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Originally delivered on 12/18/2023 11:33 am

SUBJECT: Pinchbeck PTA News 12/18/2023 - translate

December 18, 2023
Thank You Winter Dance Volunteers!

THANK YOU to all who came out to the PTA-sponsored Winter Dance on Friday night!  We loved seeing you there having fun with your friends and family. Thanks, especially, to Jana Lane and Andrea Febres, who chaired this event, and to the many volunteers and everyone who donated items to make our dance fun and memorable. 

Congratulations Reflections Winners!

We're excited to announce the winners for Pinchbeck's Reflections for 2023-2024:

For Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2)

Literature: "My Future Job" by Mae Butrico (2nd Grade, Ranson)

Visual Arts: "I'm Hopeful to Explore Outer Space" by Blake Ireland (1st Grade, Cappellino)

For Intermediate (Grades 3-5)

Film Production: "Hope all around us" by Jefferson McIntosh (3rd Grade, Dohrman)

Visual Arts: "The Brightness of Hope" by Juliana Runyon (3rd Grade, Dohrman)

This year the theme was "I'm hopeful because..." and these students brought a lot of hope into this competition. Congratulations!

Show Appreciation to Pinchbeck Faculty and Staff

If you want to show your appreciation for a Pinchbeck faculty or staff member during this season of giving, please check out this list of their favorite things. (Note: You must be logged in to view the list.)

Pre-order A Yearbook!

The yearbook pre-order deadline is Friday, January 26th. Last year we SOLD OUT of yearbooks, so please do not forget to pre-order a yearbook now! Each yearbook is $30, payable online at Or to pay with cash or check, print out and complete THIS FORM then return it to school with your payment. Please make checks payable to "Pinchbeck Elementary PTA”

Tickets to see Annie!

The Richmond Performing Arts Alliance offers the opportunity to apply for 2 free tickets to many of the Broadway shows that come to Richmond. If you or someone you know would like to take your child to see the Broadway show Annie on 1/17/23 @7:30pm in Richmond, follow this link to apply. Submission does not guarantee receipt of tickets, the goal of this program is to break down the financial barrier which separates students and families from access to the arts.

Winter break, holidays, and Habit 3!

Winter break can be a challenging time for families: holidays, travel, visits w/unfamiliar people, off sleeping schedules, a long list of “to-do” tasks and “must-do” events can quickly unravel our good intentions of spending time and making memories with our children. Our students have studied Habit 3- put first things first. Imagine a large jar filled w/large and small rocks and sand. If you put the big rocks in first (the important things) then the little rocks and sand (unimportant stuff) can fill in the spaces. But if you put the little stuff in first- you will have a MUCH harder time achieving your goal of filling the jar! Take a moment to review this content to ensure you achieve your Winter Break goals with your family! 

Talent Show Auditions are coming January 17th and the show is February 28th! Make sure you've signed up and get practicing!

See the flyer for links to the Registration page and for the volunteer Sign up Genius! 

**As a reminder, students participating in the talent show are required to have at least one parent volunteer. Your support is needed and appreciated! 

Also, this year we’re hoping to find a few parents, teachers, and/or staff that has musical talent to play a few songs to open the show! Reach out to if interested!

Click on the link to find a flyer in your language

Spirit Wear Sale

Please check out our Spirit Wear inventory at to find great hoodies, cups, car stickers, and more!  Email with questions.

I'm already a member, where can I find out more about the PTA?
  • PTA You can make an account to have access to all sorts of information. You can also link the PTA and HCPS county calendars to your phone’s calendar so you never miss an event (or half-day….).
  • PTA Newsletter & Calendar: the Newsletter is emailed every Monday, full of information regarding upcoming events. Create an account on the PTA website and then, under the tab “My Account”, select “Newsletter/Calendar Subscriptions” to Receive the Weekly PTA Newsletter and sign up for the calendar.
  • PTA Facebook page: Visit to request access. This is a private group with members having a student connection to the school. It's a great place to stay up to date on what's happening with the PTA.
  • PTA Instagram: Our newest venture into social media is the Pinchbeck PTA Instagram @pinchbeckrayspta. Please tag us in any school-related posts!

  • Your child’s Room Parent! You can reach out to them at any time. If you aren’t sure who the room parent is for your class, just ask your child’s teacher. to reach the Membership co-chairs, Jessica Jannuzzi and Mary Lauren Lam.

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