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Originally delivered on 8/25/2024 9:02 pm

SUBJECT: Pinchbeck PTA News 8/26/2024 - translate

August 26, 2024
Mark your calendars with these upcoming events:

9/1-9/7: Spirit Week @ Papa John's Pizza

9/4: Walk About School Wednesday, 6:45-7:20 AM

9/5: Back to School Night

9/10: Spirit Night @ DeLuca Gelato, 12-9 PM

9/18: PTA Board Meeting, 6:00, school library

9/21: Spirit Night @ Richmond Kickers, 6:00 PM, City Stadium

9/26: Heritage Night

National PTA School of Excellence

We are so proud that Pinchbeck achieved the 2023-2025 National PTA School of Excellence designation for our work in the 2023-2024 school year to create an environment where families feel welcomed, included and empowered to support their children’s success. Please stop by the PTA tables at Back to School Night to find out how you can get involved and support our PTA in the new school year!

Please Review the PTA Budget

Review the 2024-2025 proposed budget and 2024-2025 Budget Line Item Descriptions HERE. At Back to School Night, the PTA will ask the general membership to vote to adopt the budget for the school year.  If you were a PTA member last year OR if you have recently joined the PTA for the current school year, you are invited to participate in the voice vote.

Go Nuts and join the PTA today!

It's only $7/person or $12/2 people.  We also have Bronze, Silver, and Gold level PTA memberships that come with awesome swag and even FREE FALL FESTIVAL TICKETS!  

Even better: everyone who joins the PTA for the 2024-2025 school year by Sunday, September 1 will be entered into a raffle to win 4 tickets to the September 4th Richmond Squirrels baseball game! 10 winners will be drawn for a total of 40 tickets for Pinchbeck Rays and their loved ones to attend the 6:35pm game.  Winners will be notified by email on Monday, September 2.

Joining is easy at

What are your membership dollars funding?

PES teachers and staff enjoyed a delicious breakfast on Friday! Your donations of time and money make events like this possible. Please join the PTA today at the Bronze, Silver, or Gold level and invest in making Pinchbeck a great place for our kids and teachers.

Interested in helping the Hospitality Committee with future events? Email for more information.

Cheer on the Kickers and Support Pinchbeck!

Join us on September 21 at 6pm for a Richmond Kickers Game!  $7 of your ticket will go back to our school.  There will be food trucks and special performances and appearances!  Get your tickets today!  Link to purchase tickets: Richmond Kickers - Tickets (

Consider becoming President-Elect

This person shadows the president and learns the job throughout the school year. Helps with administrative tasks and communication. Serves as an assistant to the president. Assumes the role of president for the 2025-2026 school year.  This role is very crucial to ensure the long term health of the PTA. The PTA *cannot* exist without a president. If there is no president in place by June 30, 2025, the PTA will fold and the assets will be frozen. This nearly happened at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, so please know that it's a very real possibility if no one steps up.  Email if you are willing to consider this role.

Room Parents Needed!

Room Parents serve as the classroom liaison between parents and the PTA/teacher. The primary responsibilities are to communicate with other parents in your child’s class and their teacher about PTA volunteer opportunities and to generally support the class. It’s a great opportunity to get involved and get to know other parents at Pinchbeck! 

Please click the links below if you are interested in becoming a Room Parent OR just want to get on the list to receive PTA volunteer opportunities from your child’s Room Parent.


Amplify your PTA support!

Many of you have generously contributed to our PTA efforts this year, and we are incredibly grateful for your support. We wanted to let you know that there may be an opportunity to amplify the impact of your donation through your employer’s matching gift and/or volunteer grant programs!

To learn more, see this letter for details.

Thank You to our Family Sponsors!

Bronze - $75

Sarah and Rob Collier

Nabin & Snigdha Debnath

Bonnie & Walter Suwal

Meghan & Rob van der Eijk


Silver - $150

Leslie & Marc Meckler


Gold - $200 

Lauren & Adam Powell 

Fall Festival Planning Meeting

Please join us for a Fall Festival meeting in the Pinchbeck library on 9/9/24 at 6pm.  Volunteers are needed to make this event magical for our Pinchbeck Rays! 

Heritage Night is Coming!

Please join us for one of Pinchbeck's most favorite traditions - Heritage Night - on Thursday, September 26th, from 6:00-7:00 PM.  We need donations of both time and supplies.  Please CLICK HERE to help. 

Email with questions.

Does your student have an IEP? Building Strong Parent Advocates Seminar

Families of children receiving special education services find themselves in a world filled with complicated policies, confusing acronyms and terms, and piles of paperwork. Often families find themselves looking for information and background knowledge to help them better support their children through the Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Building Strong Parent Advocates is a self-paced training, presented virtually, and includes webinars, discussion boards, resources, and supplementary materials.

This session of the course begins August 26, 2024 and will be open through September 16, 2024.

Learn more and REGISTER HERE:

Presented by Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center in partnership with the Virginia Department of Education.

Program Suggestions WANTED!

PTA Programs has partnered with school leaders and will be sponsoring a theater assembly and a science program to visit Pinchbeck this year for all students to attend! Now we would love to hear suggestions from YOU about programs you would like to see sponsored by the PTA for our students during school hours or for a program you would like to engage with for adults and/or families outside of school hours. Programs can be any topic that engages all students or supports the families at Pinchbeck. 

Email your ideas NOW so we can schedule events that support YOU!

FREE School Meals!

All Pinchbeck students receive one breakfast and one lunch per school day this year! Learn more about the program, Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), making this happen! And how you can qualify to receive EBT benefits during the summer CLICK HERE!

Support Our PTA and School Through Exciting Promotions!

Whether you’re grabbing groceries, volunteering, or working for a company that offers matching donations/gifts or equipment, there’s something for everyone to help make a BIG difference! 💪 

Let’s jump into our 2024-2025 initiatives and how YOU can stay connected with all the awesome updates via our Pinchbeck Rays PTA Facebook Group and Instagram pages. 📱💬

👀 Keep an Eye Out For:

  • #MondayMotivation: Start your week with a BANG by discovering easy-peasy promotions like Kroger Rewards! 🛒 Learn how a simple grocery trip can boost our school’s funds! 💵

  • #WednesdayTips: Get the lowdown on signing up for employer matching programs and volunteer hours. It’s easier than you think! 📝💼

  • #FridayFeature: Drumroll, please… 🥁 Our NEW segment will shine a spotlight on success stories from families just like yours who’ve made the most of these promotions. We want to hear your wins, too! 🌟🎉

We LOVE Feedback! 🗣️ Tell us what’s working, what’s not, and how we can make it even easier for you to jump in and participate!

📚 Where to Find More Info:

  • PTA Website - Promotions Page: Coming Soon! We’re working hard to bring you a dedicated Promotions Page filled with all the deets, plus an FAQ section to answer all your burning questions! 🌐❓

  • Quarterly Flyers: Look out for the yellow flyers sent home with your kiddo, or grab one at PTA meetings and school events! 📄📫

Together, we’re going to make this year unforgettable for our school and PTA. Thank you for being the BEST supporters ever! 💖🙌

#PinchbeckStrong 💪 #SupportOurSchool 🎓


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