Our PTA Board

Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents, family members & faculty who pool their talents to advocate for our students and provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have any questions about the PTA.





Marc Dumond

(7th year- 4th grade student)



Sarah Collier
President Elect

(7th year- 4th grade student)




Sarah Phillips
VP Ways & Means

(2nd year- 1st grade student)







Holland Caudill

(8th year- 5th grade student)





Julie Dillard
Recording Secretary

(4th year- KG, 1st, 3rd grade students)







Ashley Gulick
VP of Programs

(8th year- 1st grade student)




After School Enrichment: ase@pinchbeckpta.com

Arts in Education: reflections@pinchbeckpta.com

Art Night: artnight@pinchbeckpta.com

Bylaws: bylaws@pinchbeckpta.com

Community Service: raysreachingout@pinchbeckpta.com

Corresponding Secretary: correspondingsecretary@pinchbeckpta.com

Council Representative: counsilrepresentative@pinchbeckpta.com

Electronic Newsletter: weeklynews@pinchbeckpta.com

Fall Festival: fallfestival@pinchbeckpta.com

Field Day: fieldday@pinchbeckpta.com

Fitness Night: fitnessnight@pinchbeckpta.com

Friends of the Library: friendsofthelibrary@pinchbeckpta.com

Hospitality: hospitality@pinchbeckpta.com

Landscaping: landscaping@pinchbeckpta.com

Lay Advisory: layadvisory@pinchbeckpta.com

Mary Beth Graff Scholars: marybethgraffscholarship@pinchbeckpta.com

Membership: membership@pinchbeckpta.com

Parliamentarian: parlamentarian@pinchbeckpta.com

Promotions: promotions@pinchbeckpta.com

Room Parents: roomparentcoordinators@pinchbeckpta.com

Spirit Night: spiritnights@pinchbeckpta.com

Spirit Wear: spiritwear@pinchbeckpta.com

Website: webmaster@pinchbeckpta.com

Teacher Liaison/Tutoring: teacherliaison@pinchbeckpta.com

Yearbook: yearbook@pinchbeckpta.com