What does the PTA fund at Pinchbeck?
Through the generosity of YOUR direct donations to our Sunshine Fund, Fundraising Events, Corporate Sponsorships, and Promotional Programs, these are the events, activities, departments, grants, scholarships and charitable opportunities that the PTA funds at Pinchbeck. Your support makes a difference in our student's public education experience!
CLICK HERE to make a donation to the Sunshine Fund!
*A description for some items has been provided for clarity of financial support.
To view, sign into your online PTA website account, hover on the “Our PTA” tab, then choose “Forms and Document” to view the proposed budget and a document explaining the Budget Line Owner/Descriptions.
Student Learning:
- After School Enrichment Classes
- Art Department
- Arts in Education/Reflections
- Communications Folders- blue folders students take home weekly with communication materials
- ELL Resource- reimbursement for resources and communication materials
- Friends of the Library and Literacy
- ILC, Speech, Reading Coach- reimbursement for resources and communication materials
- Leader in Me- pays for over 100% of the yearly program cost for materials and resources available for teacher training, student leadership development, and family support
- Library- reimbursement for classroom supplies or project materials
- Music Department- reimbursement for classroom supplies and project materials for concerts and grade level performances
- Physical Education- reimbursement for classroom supplies, equipment, and materials
- Programs- paid speakers or guests that benefit the students and/or families such as drug prevention, leadership seminars, internet/tech safety, science programs...
- School Counselors- reimbursement for programs and extra student counseling activities not covered by the county
- Teacher Shopping Sprees/ Teacher Grants- reimbursement for classroom supplies and if funds are available after fall reimbursement, grants for classroom projects or equipment needs
Scholarships and Grants:
- Benfer Memorial Book Award
- Graff Scholarship- scholarship in honor of our former PTA President, Marybeth Graff, provided to a Henrico County senior pursuing a career in special needs education.
- Ms. Clayton's Cupboard- provides breakfast and snacks for students in financial need
- Student Fund- financial aid for field trips, school activities, supplies for students in financial need
- Arts Night
- Field Day
- Fitness Night
- Landscaping
- Lighthouse- student team to promote the Leader in Me model inside the school so it remains strong year after year
- Rays Reaching Out/Community Service- encourages students to seek out community opportunities for volunteerism and support others.
- Room Parent Coordinators/Room Parents- Recruits/leads organizes Room Parents for every classroom, covers costs for classroom winter party crafts/games. Organizes: treat days, teacher’s quarterly luncheons, Teacher Appreciation Week activities/gifts
- School Nurse- costs for tooth boxes for students who lose a tooth during school
- Science Fair/STREAM Night- Science Fair during the school day and celebration of students and science in the evening.
- Staff Gifts
- Supplemental School Fund- used by the principal and/or PTA to purchase items that benefit all students such as equipment (guitars, outdoor speakers, reading bikes, book readers) or recognition gifts/awards for a majority of students or a specific AIS or SIS classroom.
- Winter Dance- free event for all of the families to attend including a small gift and free concessions.
- 5th Grade Party and Memory Tiles- students are given a great party and paint ceramic memory tiles that are installed in the cafeteria
Ways and Means:
While the PTA strives to make a profit from events listed below to support our students and school activities.
- Book Fair- any profits are given to the library for both fall and spring book fairs.
- Fall Festival- largest fundraising event for PES- and incredibly fun Pinchbeck tradition!
- School Supplies- school supply kits sold in the spring for the following school year as a fundraiser.
- Spirit Wear- promotes school pride and a profit center for PTA.
- Talent Show- celebrates student talent, this does not typically make a profit, breaks even.
- Yearbook & Shoutouts- celebrates students, staff, and school- this is not intended to make a profit in order to keep yearbooks affordable for all students, the goal is to break even:)
- Administrative Supplies- postage, printing, folders
- Corresponding Secretary-
- Hospitality- Family Ice Cream Social, Heritage Night supplies, Teacher lunches/treat days, supplies for staff luncheons.
- Insurance
- Insufficient Funds
- Membership- fees from Membership Dues we pay state and national PTA
- PTA Conference Training
- Technology/Website
- Square Fees
- Transfirst Fees
Thank you for making this list an actuality each year through your donation of time, resources, and financial contributions!
Visit the Sunshine Fund page to make a direct donation to ensure these programs, events, and activities continue to thrive!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 27
- Sunday, March 2
- Wednesday, March 5
- Friday, March 7
- Saturday, March 8
- Wednesday, March 12
- Friday, March 14
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20